Thank you so much for your continued prayers.
Adam is in surgery! We expect him to be out of surgery around 4 or 5 p.m.
We will provide updates as soon as possible.
Please continue to pray for Adam, Jessica and Raja, and the incredible medical team working on Adam as this is being written.
God placed each and every one of these people on a path to be in Adam’s life for this very day.
For this we are so thankful!
i saw adams story for the first time yesterday. i fell in love. he is the sweetest thing i have ever seen! i am finishing a certified nursing assistant course today and i went online and shared this story with my class. i am so thankfull that our God is so great. you all are in my prayers. Adam is such a blessing to me just to hear his story. God be with all of you. Can hardly wait to see Adam 5 and 10 years from now. I am excited to see all the great works that God does for him and through him!