This Prov. 31 woman was quite a force to behold and she was incredibly proficient in all she did, yet she “laughed at the days to come”.
Why did she laugh?
And then Abrahams wife, Sarah, being filled with laughter at Isaacs birth. She laughed because she was an old wrinkly woman whose biological clock was long past its time and there she was giving birth!
And Job 5 saying “you will laugh at destruction and famine).”
Why on earth would one laugh at that?
We are adopted into His family now, so that is us too;) He never slumbers as He cares for us.
Because they knew Him.
And I had been praying for a spirit of joy and an ability to laugh at the days to come.
Little did I know all that was coming. But as I see how He prepared me, I am so grateful. I pray I can continue to be filled with laughter (not in ignorant bliss, but in joyful submission) in the midst of all the days to come.
Surely, there will be hard days. But there always have been and always will be. And with Abba Father on my side, why am I to tremble?
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
You've got me singing tonight! I just found your blog tonight and what a blessing.
Beautiful Adam 🙂
Love and prayers to you,
A friend shared your blog on facebook this week. What a privileged path you are on with the Lord. My most joyful moment in prayer this morning was when I lifted up Baby Adam – thank you! The look of joy on your face in this picture is so evident! I feel joy in all this, don't you? I will keep praying for the beginning of this journey. What a testimony your lives are going to be!
i am just in awe of how great our God is! so very thankful for y'all and the love you showed to sweet baby Adam – now your precious son. praying for continued healing!
Yes. God is faithful. I will raise up Ebenezers with you. Praying for sweet Adam.
I have just begun to follow your incredible story of faith. My daughter in law Lisa Veres spoke of this journey you have been on with your husband.I am praying and believing along with you that our Father who is so faithful will continue to amaze us all. "Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her, will be accomplished." Luke 1:45