I was born at Burrows Memorial Christian Hospital in Alipur, in the state of Assam, India, on September 18. I weighed a whopping 5.3 pounds! My birth parents were not able to take care of me. Dr. Raja and Jessica Paulraj, who were working at the hospital, fell in love with me.
I have a cleft palate and lip, no eyelids, my feet are fused and no little toes or fingers. Mom and Dad saw through all of this and saw me for the beautiful creation that I am. Soon, the whole hospital staff warmed up to me.
Since there was no room in the hospital, I, along with my NG tube, moved in with Mom and Dad. They asked their friends and family for prayer and then surrounded me with all the prayers and encouraging emails that soon flooded their email. And, they played piano music by David Nevue to calm me.
They took shifts, feeding me, putting drops in my eyes and soothing me.
Within two weeks, God had worked miracles, and I was in Delhi for tests and more tests. On September 24, my parents chose me as their first-born son and started the process of adopting me!
We had some good days and some trying days, but Mom and Dad never lost faith or stopped loving me. And, miracles where taking place every day. Things that seemed impossible to human eyes were not so impossible to God.
By the beginning of October, Mom and Dad became my legal guardians. Every hour they put eye gel in my eyes and every two hours they faithfully put the eye drops in. I loved being held and those warm baths!
And through all of this, we were moving to a new hospital in Dehraduhn, in the state of Uttarkhand, India, we had to go to an emergency meeting with the Child Welfare Committee so I could be an official foster child in yet another state, and arrangements were being made in the United States for my procedures. Talk about stressful!
On Thursday, October 27, I got my official passport! And on November 2, I was officially adopted and my name officially became Adam Peniel Paulraj, thank you very much! My middle name means “the face of God.”
On November 7, my the second part of my journey began when the U.S. Embassy granted me a visa to go to the United States to have the procedures I so desperately need.
And, here I am!
hello adam..m praying for you..GOD bless you:)
Hello Paulraj family. Your story was shared with me, and I took the liberty of sharing it with others. I thought you'd want to know. I'm proud of you! http://wp.me/pZ0nh-eX
Keep on marching Baby Adam. You are in God's palms.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your precious story!!! Our God is SO good!
Praying, Praying, Praying! You guys are such a beautiful example of what it means to show the love of Christ to the world!
what an amazing journey for such a little man.
I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.
Hospitals in India