We have it! Guys, all $100,000 is there!
mcdonalds $1 icecream in the back of the minivan, loaned from the precious Patton’s, to celebrate! |
That means that surgeries (step 1) can happen tomorrow!
(Few more surgeries ahead…but we have seen God work miracles thus far and will continue to trust Him for the future)
Definitely only He could do that!
We will check in at 8am and proceed from there. I will try and update as much as I can throughout the day.
Again, we are humbled. Awestruck. On our knees in worship and praise.
You know the story of Gideon? He was a brave guy. He had an army. They had a large battle ahead. And God told him this, “you have too many men for me to deliver Midian into their hands. In order that Israel may not boast against me that her own strength has saved her, announce now to my people, ‘Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead.’
Too many men? What? That seems crazy. Men are needed to win the war. But God wanted glory for His name. He knew the hearts of men…their tendency to want glory for themselves. So God narrowed the army to a measly 300. Only 300 men. And the battle is the Lord’s. And He did wonders thru those 300.
I think God knows my heart. And Raja’s heart. And all of our hearts. And He knows our tendency to boast in our own strength. If 1 organization had indeed given $100,000 from the beginning, money would have been there. We would have not tasted of the depths of need present. And the focus of the story would be that donor. But, God had a different plan. God took away that hope of provision and caused many, many people to call on His name. And He led many people to pray and give sacrificially and joyfully. And He moved mountains.
As we walk into surgery tomorrow, we continue to know, ‘the battle is the Lord’s!’
Many of you have given out of precious hearts and small pockets. Many of you have needs I do not even know about, yet you give. And that is beautiful. Thank you.
There are two stories of two ‘widows’ and their “mites” that I wanted to share…
1. A dear friend of Raja’s who is finishing up med school in India (and thus has little at the moment) wrote him and said, “Raja,I do not have much right now. And I know you need an ocean. But I can only give a drop…so here is my drop in that ocean…”
2. A precious family whom I treasure and consider family gave incredibly sacrificially as they have many needs of their own right now. Here is their story of giving to Adam:
Two Sundays back, their church pastor gave out $5 and $50 to 2 individuals in the church. He asked them to do what they felt was best with that money and to invest well. The one lady knew immediately she needed to give it to this family because she knew they had needs at the moment and had been praying for how to give to them. So she shared it with the mother of the family and said she would bring it by later in the week.
Meanwhile: The husband of the family needed new working boots. But they are $150 and that was just a lot of money at the moment for the family to consider. He told his wife that $150 was just too much to spend right now and shoes and he would wait.
Later in the week: The lady who received the $50 came over to the family’s home. She now had $160. She proceeded to explain that once people heard that she was giving her $50 to this family, they also wanted to give it. So it had increased to $160. Immediately, the wife rejoiced and said to the woman giving the money “This is great! My husband needs new shoes and we didnt have the money, but $160 will be perfect to buy the shoes he needs!”. She shares with her husband that night and they were both excited.
Next morning: Husband comes to breakfast and tells his wife that he cannot buy the shoes with the $160. Wife was confused and asked ‘why not?’.
He said, “How can I buy another pair of shoes right now when Adam Paulraj does not have eyelids? We are giving this money to the Adam Fund”.
Really?? Really Lord?
Take off your shoes.
This is holy ground and I am wrecked with His glory.
He is working in hearts all over the world. And He is making His name known. And I am seeing sacrifice and love in whole new ways.
I love you all. Thank you again.
I just have to thank Jesus for such a dear husband and awesome father to journey with in this crazy, beautiful life |
We are strangers but I had the blessed privilege of being linked to your story through a member of my church. I am blessed, encouraged and will join with the small army of people praying. I so look forward to an update on the surgeries as I am just reading this. Thank you for sharing God's story of provision and Thank you for being obedient to love baby Adam.
Wow..God is amazing. So blessed when He gives us glimpses of heaven here on earth!!
Bursting with joy for your precious little family. Praying without ceasing for tomorrow and the surgeries to come. He is faithful.
Praise God!
I am a complete stranger receiving this info by accident. I am ashamed to admit I seen the pictures and thought why did they not let the baby go. But the LORD has reprimanded me and touched my heart. I sit here crying with shame and joy. Though I had eyes,I could not see, I had a heart but could not feel, and I had hands but I would not use them. I once was a sinner and the LORD opened his heart and arms to me saying come to me child. I will comfort you, I will protect and feed you. Thank you LORD. I will pray for Adam to continue to grow and prosper in the LORD.