This was featured on ABC 11 on Raleigh/Durham stations today:
And the church we have been attending who has been a great support published this today:
Is it really Friday? My goodness time has flown. I am feeling much better (Jessica, that is). Raja had a pretty good night with Adam. He only slept 3 hours but had a long nap midday that helped some.
For some reason today was more difficult for me, being mom. Adam is off a lot of the powerful pain meds and is back to his normal self (active, fists pumping, etc.). So he is more reactive to things that irritate him (diaper changes, eye drops, etc). I don’t know, I have just been more fragile emotionally seeing his physical suffering in the healing process. But, he is doing so well. He is comfortable except when being touched or moved or having eyedrops applied (which is still every hour).
I wrote a little on my reflections and questions here last night:
We got a visit by a woman who has become a dear friend. We met her in the Waiting room 2 weeks ago and she has been faithful to visit and keep up with us since then. After hearing her own story of adoption and life thereafter and being encouraged by her faith in the midst of the trials over the years since then, we were humbled and amazed.
The eye doctor came by and after giving a more negative report 2 days ago, gave a very impressive report today! He said it was not as bad as he originally thought after first seeing him the day after surgery. He said it appears that his eye is healing really well. I credit that to each and every thousand of you praying for his precious eyes.
As Raj spent some time studying Ephesians today and reading it out loud to me we were humbled by all that we have learned in Ephesians 1 just in this process of adoption. The idea of how many thousands there are, yet God is working clearly in Adam’s life. Aspects of the Gospel and adoption that may be hard at times to understand or accept, are being walked out in front of me every day. And what was the root of all of this, as Ephesians says?
“In love He predestined us” Paul wrote. Man o man.
How deep the Father’s love for us.
How vast beyond all measure!
That He should give His only Son.
To make a wretch His treasure!
We are seeing that so tangibly it is hard to believe at times.
Today my prayer:
THank you Lord for giving Your only Son so us wretches can be made treasures.
We love You.
How deep the Father’s love that He would paint this across the sky for us to enjoy. This is right over the place where our little Adam was born;) |
Continued prayer needs:
-eye healing
– eye “closing” and “opening” muscles to be strengthened
-strength for raj and i;)
-quickness to learn all that they are teaching us in how to manage adam at home
-continual reliance on the Spirit and time with Him each day!
How deep, indeed!
Praise God for Baby Adam's beautiful eyes!! And praise God for his Body that embraces and upholds all around the world!
I am so encouraged by everything you write and I'm glad the Seniors/CCC have been such good friends. I love each and every one of those beautiful people. And they clearly love you, too!
praying for all these needs my precious friends in Christ. Words of the Lords that have spoken to me so loudly this past month from Ezekiel 37:6 – "… and ye shall know that I AM the LORD…."