Adam’s left eyelid is sutured almost completely shut due to the ulcer that continued to worsen as the cornea was exposed.
The glue was replaced and the contact lens placed.
For 3-4 weeks it will be so.
We have a meeting with plastic surgery tomorrow to discuss the skin grafts.
We will keep you posted 😉
A little from the heart…
So it is an overcast and cold day here in Chapel Hill .
Our pumpkin candle is burning and Adam is finally sleeping.
It was a struggle of a morning with the grumpy little bird 😉
But after applying new eye dressing, changing his central line dressing, changing the ostomy bag, and bathing the squirming angry boy, he fell asleep defeated and clean 😉
I have been trying to read thru Luke lately. But I stop after ch 1 each time.
Somehow, I am enraptured.
By the stories foretold.
By the angelic encounter of Zechariah and Mary.
I have seen who I am.
I am Zechariah.
And just as he was silenced, I should be silenced.
Why are we similar?
Because Zechariah knew.
I don’t claim to be near to the level he was.
For he was in the times of Herod.
He belonged to the priests of Abijah.
He was married to the woman, Elizabeth, who was directly descended from Aaron.
Then he was chosen to enter the temple of the Lord!
What a task to be chosen for.
To enter the Holy of Holies.
Where the Consuming Fire’s glory was known to be a holy threatening.
To be all of these things, Zechariah had to know.
He knew the Law and the words of prophets.
He knew that a Messiah would be coming.
He knew that one would come to prepare the way for the Messiah.
He had to have even known that it would come in ways seemingly crazy.
And as he was in the courts, alone before the Holy of Holies, he had an encounter.
And he was told of the future birth of a son to his barren wife.
And how did he respond?
Doubt. Disbelief. In need of explanation.
“HOW can I be SURE OF THIS?”
Oh friends, that is how have responded time and again.
“How can this be that you would entrust this child to me?”
“How can this be?…Surely the adoption can’t be done”
“How can this be…that Delta Airlines would help prepone our trip?”
“How can this be…. that we can make it in time to get Adam’s eyes protected?”
“How can this be that $100,000 can be raised in 1 week?”
“How can this be that his eyesight can be preserved?”
By His mercy, I can still speak.
But do know, I should have been silenced.
For these have been the words and fears consuming my thoughts.
So much worry. Then I was reading yesterday in Luke 10.
Martha had invited her Lord, my Lord, into her home.
So there was a willingness, a desire, to fellowship with Him.
But she was quickly distracted.
By Him?
No, by herself.
And what she could do for Him.
Not resting in grace.
For there is nothing to DO for Him.
But as Mary sat as His feet and listened, we learn what behavior our Lord praises.
When Martha became frustrated and complained, what were His words?
The words of her Lord were
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things”.
Stop there.
Replacement needed.
”(Jessica, Jessica), you are worried and upset about many things”.
Bills, eyes, sight, time, and the list of my “many things” goes on.
Ok, back to Martha and her Lord…
“but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her”.
What did Mary choose?
To sit at His feet.
Whose feet?
The feet that would soon be pierced on a cross of word in an atoning sacrifice.
Oh Lord, help me to sit at your feet each day as we walk thru this journey.
That is my prayer.
Jessica, I struggle with knowing God has the power to make this surgery work and so I often wonder if he's sent the money and all, why isn't he ensuring your success?? But then I read your entries and I cry. And I am humbled about situations in my own life that your experience reminds me of. And I am thankful for your pain and growth because it's such a beautiful witness to me. And I begin to understand how God uses ALL things for His glory and for our good.
Oh how I pray for your precious boy to be healed. And FAST. But I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your faith because it has strengthened mine so much more.
Below is a YouTube link to a song off of the album Music Inspired by The Story. The album is about people like Moses, Joshua, Ruth, David, Mary, etc all written from their perspective. I'm
listening to it everyday. Needless to say I like it. It's really not about them ya know, but about God showing Himself strong. So if you don't like it, I'm just sayin' ��
Anyway, the link is from Joiseph's perspective. It's called "Bend."
The chorus says "went out on a limb I thought might break, but Love
said it will only bend."