Update on appts:
We met with ophthalmology, plastic surgery, and pediatric surgery on Tuesday. A day full of pretty good reports;)
Cornea’s look well, eyelid may need a revision in February, skin above eyes has healed well, and feeding tube was replaced in Adam’s stomach.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Plans still remain for surgery next Wed, Jan 11th
view at sunset from the front of our old house |
I (Jessica) have been reflective lately and was reading back thru the first few days we had Adam. I wrote this early one morning in September. It was Adam’s 4th day of life. We were preparing to move and had packed up most of the house. But we “redid” a room in the house for Adam, prepared a crib, cleaned, and decorated what we could.
It was the same place where I had spent times with the Lord in days past. The 2 doors at the end of the bed open up to the front porch and past the front porch are beautiful large pink flowers, and trees speckle the foreground of a beautiful mountain landscape.
a few of those beautiful pink flowers that i could watch each morning from that place on Adam’s floor |
It was pretty glorious.
I remember I had Adam’s little body pictured within me, my heart aflame with His Spirit, my mind full of all Raja and I had been studying thru in Romans.
I remember I was wondering what this was going to look like.
Our future filled with this little one we had named Adam.
I imagined the impossibilities that lingered in the distance of my mind.
Wondering how such impossibilities would be made possible.
But then my wonders are set upon Him…the Maker of the moon, who paints the stars across the sky’s expanse.
Or as Job says “the One who laid the earth’s foundations”
And He is the same as
“the One who gives order to the morning…and journeys to the springs of the deep”
sunset a few years ago in english countryside with manda and our dear friend, Maria |
made Himself NOTHING, taking the form of a servant and became obedient to death…on a cross”
And He is the same as
the One who ascended into the heavenly places
But who will one day come again to make all things new
Who will wipe away every tear
And make a new Heaven and earth.
That is who He is
That is who adopted me as His child, though once orphaned.
That is the One who asked us to take this journey of faith
That is the One who sustained Adam’s life in the womb and brought him forth alive and wiggling
That is the One who can make impossible, possible
And He is the One I bowed to that morning
And elder brother, AW Tozer, didnt he say this…
“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible.
What a pity when we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.” -A.W. Tozer
Lord, save me from planning humanly possible tasks.
I want to plan for tasks only possible thru Holy dependence
So here is what I wrote
Excerpt from my journal that morning 09.23.2011
“So, I think I am a mom. To a boy…in just a few days. Jesus, Savior, pilot me. Unknown waves before me blow…Chart and compass come from Thee. Savior, pilot me”
The last few words are from a favorite hymn of mine (written in the late 1800’s).
It also reads: “hiding rock and treacherous shore
Unknown waves and hiding rocks, to me then, have now passed
Waves of fear, disbelief, incredible need, possible fatal diagnosis, changes in plans
They have passed now.
And I survived.
Because chart and compass come from my Abba Father, the Author and Finisher of my faith.
The last stanza of the hymn reads:
When at last I near the shore,
And the fearful breakers roar
‘Twixt me and the peaceful rest,
Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
May I hear Thee say to me,
“Fear not, I will pilot thee.”
(link to this beautiful song) http://youtu.be/EehdzN5lVh8
I love this picture.
Of us nearing the shore where battles and earthly journeys cease
And we meet our Creator and know Him deeper and truer than ever before
And as we lean on Him He reminds me, yet again “Fear not, I will pilot thee”
Oh how thankful I am.
That I have nothing to fear, for He goes before and behind and has ordained each step along the way
I read the other day that it says “fear not” or “do not fear” 366 times throughout His Word (ann voskamp)
That is enough for each day of the years, plus 1.
That many times, we are told not to fear.
Because our Father, He knows us.
He knows we are just like Peter.
We like to think we have the courage, the strength, the faith.
But no, for He has to equip us each step of the way.
And as I reflect on these past nearly 4 months, He has piloted me.
His chart and His compass alone.
On New Year’s day, Raja and I went to the beach for some time to discuss and share about the new year
(dear memaw watched Adam so we could do so…;)
I had my Valley of Vision nearby and etched this into my journal, not long after those words etched in 9/23
“I launch my bark on the unknown waters of this year,
with Thee, o Father, as my harbor,
Thee, O Son, at my helm
Thee, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails
Guide me to Heaven with my loins girt
my lamp burning, my ears open to Thy call…”
Surely there are unknown waters, waves, and treacherous shores ahead.
But surely, He will be with us each step of the way.
So rest, my soul, for He is on my side
That is what I end tonight with
And this glorious picture of Adam enjoying Christmas lights
It appears as if he is giving glory to the Giver of all good things.
I love that little boy
Some other favorite shots, these of New Years:
Dad saved some fireworks for me and Raja to enjoy at midnight.
So dad (papa to Adam…) held Adam as we did some fireworks and sparklers
I love these photos where we are more enjoying Adam’s expressions than the sparklers themselves! (these 2 pictures were taken nearly simultaneously)
Happy New Year our baby boy!
Everytime I read something you have written I am inspired by your love for God. No wonder He has trusted you with someone so very special. He has been preparing your heart, and the heart of your families for years. You entire life even, for the moment you'd become mama to Adam. How awesome is this? I know you'll feel discouraged and scared at times (it's the law of mama I'm afraid) but I also know that your heart is firmly in the hands of your Father who loves you dearly and you will be fine because of who is your chart and compass.
Love you guys Dearly.
I was woken at 3 am with Adam on my heart…I said a special prayer for all of you. I hope everything is okay. God be near you!
I just wanted to give you an update on our fundraising progress. We have set a date with Blue Ribbon Diner in Mebane, NC to hold a fundraiser night. It will be Wednesday, February 8 from 5 to 8 p.m. People have to turn in a flyer (that I will have in the next few days) with their payment and 15% of all sales will go to the Baby Adam fund! We are so excited. We are working on other fundraisers that are not set yet. Here is the link for Blue Ribbon Diner so you can see where it is and their menu: http://www.bestfoodintown.com/brdabout.htm. I will have the flyer in pdf format so that I can email it out and print it out for people. If you would like to share it with your family/friends in the area, I can email it you as soon as I receive it from Blue Ribbon.Feel free to email me at [email protected].
Jess, I too love this song. I wanted to share with you that you can download a Bifrost Arts sampler for free via NoiseTrade. Here is a link:
Love you, sweet girl. Email forthcoming. Cass