It is about 10pm on Sunday night
We just had a precious visit from friends from Tallahassee who came to visit. The Diemers have been a huge support to me (Jessica) for nearly 5 or so years now. They have precious hearts for our Lord. Jeanie always refreshes me and I love their daughter who is just a little free spirit. Thank you guys for stopping by;)
So just to update everyone:
We are driving tomorrow back to Chapel Hill to stay with the lovely Senior family;)
We have checkups for Adam on Tuesday.
Jan 11th, Adam has a surgery scheduled to do another set of skin grafts for his eye lids.
Just to clarify: Adam had the eyelids constructed. He just has not had the skin grafts to improve the appearance;)
Feb 14th, Adam has surgery scheduled to repair the cleft lip and separate his feet.
March(ish) they are planning to start on reconstruction of the nose.
Now, keep in mind, we all need to operate on IST (Indian Stretchable Time)…haha. But there are sometimes setbacks, etc. So we will practice patience during this season;)
We will keep you updated after this set of appts;)
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Hi Guys!
Been praying for all of you, for strength courage and wisdom from here in Kentucky. I talk about you all with my parents and children frequently, amazed at your story. My three sons have taken a huge interest in his story, wanting to see pictures of him, and hear your updates . They recently emptied their collective piggy banks to purchase water flavorer for a boy at church who was leaving for a mission in honduras (they heard their water tasted funny) (Not bragging AT ALL, as I was shocked myself since my boys had been saving their money since easter with big ideas on what to spend it on *ie battle light staber thingy*)So they've just restarted filling their stash. The day after christmas I found my six year old counting his change, and he said "mom, I've got three dollars and seventy three cents, and a ten dollar walmart card from aunt carol, can we send it to baby Adams doctors so they can fix his boo boos". I cried, because it's all he has, and he was willing to give it all. We don't have much, living in a cramped two bedroom apartment with my parents recently losing our home to foreclosure, and these boys have had their share of hard times the last several months. I want to cling to everything we have, because I feel we have so little right now. It seems like in our darkest moments, we learn the most, and I've been amazed as so many material things have been taken from my children this last year, it's now when they start opening their hand to give. I hope to be just like them oneday.
SOrry to Ramble so much…I just wanted you to know that Baby Adam has become a big part of our lives here in kentucky, and is changing us. anyway I absolutely CANT WAIT to see what God has in store for this little guy. What an amazing story he has to tell already oneday. Oh how much God loves that little guy!!!
Ps. I told Dylan (6) that $13.73 would TOTALLY help Adam's doctors heal his booboos. He lit up…we're going to go get the money put on a cash card at walmart so we can donate it to the Baby Adam Fund later today.
Sara, thank you so much for instructing your boys in such Truth…for surely they have learned by example, despite your own feelings of wanting to cling to what you have! I am humbled by your boys love for our little boy and cant wait to see how God uses their giving! Thank you so much. I am encouraged by you!