We are out of the hospital! We have been discharged since Thursday night, we just have not had a free moment to take the effort to share it on this site, and I am so sorry for that.
Adam is doing well. He definitely lost some weight during these past 21 days in the hospital and his muscles have gotten weak…but we are fattening him up and doing little exercises here and there.
We are happy to share a photo with you today of his new little lip;)
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my favorite! he is still loving his lights! |
If you can pray for Adam to continue to wean well from all his pain meds that would be good.
And that we can work up to sleeping well thru the night again.
Other than that, we are just enjoying cuddling and loving on him since being out of the hospital.
Regarding future plans:
Adam may have one more surgery where they remove a little sebaceous cyst on his forehead. (I’d love to pray for the complete disappearance of that cyst and no need for surgery!). They will do an MRI first to look at it more closely.
We are set to return to India (all of us) on May 7th. If you can pray for all the logistics and such for us, that would be great;)
I have been up since 6, when I relieved my precious husband who had fallen asleep in the rocking chair. Adam had woken up at 3 and not really been able to be calmed apart from being held. He always loves being held, but usually falls asleep quickly in the bed apart from us. But not this morning;)
And as my exhaustion threatens to overtake me, I choose to use this time to share with you some lessons recently learned.
<A Mother’s Struggles>
A few weeks ago (in the midst of hospitalization, learning of the need for a trach, etc), I had a breakdown. Raja was near and Abba Father was present throughout, and for that I am thankful. It was just a tearful frustration and confusion and questioning. Before His throne. But I was voicing it all towards Raja at the end.
“Raja, why did He design it this way?”
“Why couldn’t Adam be a healthy little baby, born to a family that for some reason, didn’t want him, he was abandoned, left without much earthly hope or assurance, and He led us to adopt him? It would have still been a great story, right? Child abandoned, we felt His eternal love compel us to act, we adopted him, He provided miraculously for every need, and onwards. That would have also been a great story. Why did He allow Adam to be born with so much physical suffering? And why is it so hard for us and for him at times? It still could have been a great story even if it did not include all these medical struggles”
And as the Spirit spoke thru my husband, I was brought low, where I needed to be.
In awestruck worship to my King and His heavenly design that surpasses my understanding.
“…Jess, He did not design this to be a great story. That is not why He works like He does. He did not lead the Israelites thru the desert with a pillar of fire and a cloud of smoke just so it could be written in a book for you to read one day. He did it for so much more than that. He did it for the edification and strengthening of those individual people. “
And there is more….
“Jess, He did this for your sanctification and purification. He did this for you to know His love as your Abba Father thru Your divine adoption and for see more and more your daily need of Him. And He did this for the same in me. And He did this so that Adam could one day know that despite external, temporal pain and suffering, there is a Glory and a Redeeming Love that far outweigh them all. He did this so Adam could know a mother and father’s love, despite initial rejection of love at his outers. Then, the Holy One just happened to weave it into a beautiful story for many to join us in. But look at how He has changed us and loved Adam…”
Whew. Humbled. How prideful of me…to be so focused on the story rather than us as individuals.
Our family.
My heart before Holiness.
Doesn’t He long to purify and remove that which does not radiate Him?
And don’t I desire the same?
He has used this Little Bird to reveal sin and selfishness within me and Raja.
He has strengthened our marriage.
He has deepened my faith and understanding.
He has taught me of Calvary Love.
And He has “placed the lonely in families”
And He did not do it just so we could have a blog, or just so Adam could be read about or talked about.
He did it for so much more personal of reasons than that.
For that is Who He is.
He deals with the 1 in the midst of 99.
He calls “daughter” the bleeding woman whom all others overlooked or disdainfully held distant.
He chose 12 to pour into for his years on earth and trusted them to carry it onwards.
He works from the inside out.
How thankful.
And how humbled I should be that He has orchestrated such a testimony from Adam’s life that does not just permeate thru my heart but thru thousands the world over.
And isn’t this story, of our Adam, all part of a much greater Story?
A redemptive Story of a Holiness that became flesh and dwelt among us?
Aren’t each of our heartbeats all authored and maintained by the Author of Life who is authoring a story of radical love that far outweighs any attempt of man to narrate love?
Yes, it is.
May we each see His Story today.
May we long to feast on His Words and His Story.
May His Story be heard.
**I just want to share that I treasure and LOVE each of your comments. I wish I had time to sit and respond to each one of them. But your stories and your encouragement are each so very treasured and I am so thankful that you share. Please know that I would love to meet and have a heart to heart with each of you but, alas, time is so short, isn’t it? And my 2 boys under my roof call for my affections and time firstly. I will try to be better about responding, but I just want you to know that you are loved and treasured and I am gracious for each word you share. Do not feel a need to stop despite the delay or lack of response;) I selfishly love them;)
Adam is just precious. I am so grateful that God is using every single thing to bring Himself glory and to draw you closer to Him. He's just so wonderful like that, isn't He?!
So sweet I ask all my family to pray for loved dear adam
I love, love love that picture of him reaching up for the lights!!
Continuing in prayer. And amazed how much God will show in a life when you are open to His lessons. Y'all amaze me.
The light of Jesus shines brightly in you Jessica and in your husband. Yes, this is a wonderful story of love, but as Raja testified, it is much more than that. Adam has touched thousands for the Kingdom,not just through his pain and suffering, but through your willingness to let us see the Lord's faithfulness in your lives. God is revealing the beauty of the inner, the worth of the least, the sovereignty of the Maker, all through little Adam and his lovely family. He is doing a work through Adam to help us see that faith is about much more than what one sees. May you continue to rest in Him.
An update! I so look forward to these, I check daily ๐ but I do not expect them! You have enough going on! I don't think anyone expects a response.. We just want to send you encouragement and love. Praying for the cyst and all recoveries. Your journey is so beautiful. Each day your new discoveries are so inspiring. But you are also just a human being so it's only natural for youbto have those frustrations! You're a distraught mother who wants everything in the world for your son. When my 9 month old baby girl gets a cold I feel as helpless and distraught as ever. I can only imagine your pain. But so thankful for Raja and our Saviour who continuously are by your dude and bring you back to encouragement. You both are amazing and I know Adam will grow to be an amazing God fearing man. What else matters?
Love you all!!!
Ahh…nothing like the sweet love of our Savior and the sweet whispers to our hearts from His Holy Mouth. I feel like I know you sweet Jessica – since you met my precious daughter Melissa – I pray for you and for Adam and for Raja. Daily. May God be glorified!
As always, your writing is beautiful and from the heart. Jessica, we all have times like that where we have struggles and question why things are they way they are. As God uses Adam in your lives, God uses you, Raja, and Adam in our lives. A lot of those things that you listed – those are true for me at least! I know that Adam's journey has made me take a look at myself inwardly. My faith has grown. My love for others in general has grown. Thank you for sharing your story.
I would like to share with you how your family has touched so many lives at our school in Orange Park, there is not a morning that goes by when we start prayer before school that when we ask for prayer concerns every one of the children pray for baby Adam .Thankyou for coming to our school and sharing your story keeping you and Adam in our prayers. Annette
I am so inspired to read each post. I'm always delighted to hear how well Adam is doing. That little munchkin is blessed to have you and your husband as his mama and daddy. God has a wonderful plan for you and your precious little family, and I feel blessed to hear it by reading.
Blessings to you and your family! I am keeping all of you in my prayers. ๐
I am not sure how I found your blog, but am so glad that I did. I love reading about Sweet Adam. Each time I read, I can "feel" the love you and your husband have for Adam. What a blessing you are to him, and a great blessing he is to you and all of us following this journey. Thank you for sharing your sweet boy!
Raja and Jessica, Nice to know that you are coming back. Nice to see pictures of Adam after all the surgeries. We praise the Lord for the commitment and response to the Lord's call that you have shown towards little Adam. That 's such a powerful testimony of your lives.
Your story moves me and feels me with hope, and has me praying for your Adam. I haven't prayed in years. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. Take care…
I just heard about Adam, and the picture of him touching the lights made me cry. :] He is so precious, and I know God is in this amazing little boy. So happy! You definately have my prayers and love! ๐
Your baby is truly beautiful. He has gorgeous expressive eyes. I will pray for his speedy progress. GOD BLESS.
I have a son Adam…I saw Baby Adam on the 700 club this morning I pray for you to stay strong. I pray for you to have peace on those sleepless nights. You are special as is Baby Adam, I wish you happy thoughts….So awesome to see this site.Adam is beautiful….. God Bless !!!
I just learned of your story via CBN.
What a precious gift God has given you and he found just the right couple to care for and love Adam. May God continue to bless you all. I'm happy to hear his surgeries went well and hope the cyst is nothing to worry about. May you all be able to make it back to India in May. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I pray Adam continues to do well and overcomes any challenges. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger…God doesn't challenge us with more than we can handle. Sending my thoughts and prayers for Adam and you!
I saw this story for the first time today and it was so touching. If this world could learn compassion and love from the two of you it would be a better world to live in. I will pray for Adam everyday its gonna be a long trying journey for him but having you two as parents will make his journey much easier.
Just watched CBN … I just cannot stop crying. God is so good to Adam.
Adam has always been beautiful, but for his comfort, not appearance, I love seeing his transformation. Your little family is blessed to have found each other. God's glory is being revealed through Adam's (and your) story. Thank you for sharing it with us. ๐
I heard about your story through Melody. Adam is a precious little guy and I'm praying for him often! Also praying for you, that He will pour out his grace in your lives. Thank you for being willing to speak up for little Adam when no one else was.
I just found out and am so moved. God is so good! Adam is beautiful! Praying for you all.
Adam is one of life's gifts…you were chosen to receive this gift. He is living because of you and you are living(and will live) your lives more fully because of him. You are loving this baby "as yourselves" and that is one of the hardest things God asks of us. If all mankind in the world were like you two, none of us would have much to worry about,would we? I am praying for all of you.
may god bless u all n god bless him hes a blessin from god u guys will always b in my prayers stay strong god is good!! love maritza
may god bless him he's a blessin from god, n bless u guys for dealin wit all the stress n worrys he'll u all will always b in my prayers xoxoxox love maritza