Sometimes, privacy is relative in my present day life.
And I had a surprise visitor not too long ago (a female and friend…no worries) and was unaware of it.
So our bedroom door was open and I was changing in the back corner while talking to Adam.
In walks in surprise guest, I spazz, and what is my attempt at a cover up?
Jumping behind the nearest piece of cloth…
(Curtains which separate our window from the nearby road)
Yes, it is true.
I do not know what I was thinking…
I escaped one possible embarrassing moment and threw myself, into a much larger one…exposure to life outside, on the WRONG side of the curtain.
That my friends, is “things as they are”
So its a mid afternoon here at home.
And many were encouraged by the new section “Things as They Are”
It is good for my soul too.
You know, a few years ago, a dear friend Cassidy gave me a book by noel piper
(by the way, her full name holds 2 of my favorite girl names…”noel” and “piper”. that is impressive)
It is about 5 women and their individual walks with Abba Father.
Each chapter is called “Faithful in ______”, to which each woman was discussed according to the type of faithfulness she exhibited
So the chapters were named along the lines of “Faithful in adversity”, “faithful in persecution”, etc.
I ate up 4/5 of the chapters.
But the one that was the most difficult for me to open and read was the life of Elizabeth Edwards ( a truly incredible woman by the way).
Why was it difficult?
Because her chapter was titled “Faithful in the Mundane”.
Sounds glamorous huh? 😉
Not a life I wanted to imagine for myself…;)
Well her life was hard at times.
Guess Who received magnificent glory from her life?
HE did.
And thru her life, many leaders in her nation and our faith have been formed.
Thru a life of faithfulness to HIM…not herself and her desires for wonder, adventure, romance, etc.
But a life of mundane tasks lived before the throne of Him above.
Completing tasks with her left hand, that her right hand never even knew of.
THAT DEGREE OF HUMILITY…that HE calls us to.
And how He needs to weave that into each of us.
Into me especially;)
So that is why I am including this new section.
Hopefully, one day soon, I will have the blog reorganized a bit and this will be an actual section.
But until I figure that out, I will just keep it as is;)
Raja and Hadassah came home from the hospital for lunch (which they do every day, actually…such a gift;) )
They had a pretty heavy morning.
Raja has returned to work and has 2 classes to teach this afternoon (he loves teaching so very much)
And Hadassah has headed off by bicycle to her stitching class.
Isn’t He good? Orchestrating such provision for her?
Adam and I are on our bed…where we are most days…and I am still reveling in the joy of him picking up an apple today at the lunch table!
Yes, it is true.
He picked it up between his hands and licked it.
And continued to hold it for a long while.
It was wonderful.
For a boy that lacks fingers…that is mighty impressive my friends;)
And he is helping me with his eating by mouth these days.
For those who remember, before his cleft lip repair, he could only get feedings by his feeding tube.
However, he passed a barium swallow tests in April and is approved to eat by mouth.
But that is a hard task for a baby who spent much of his first 9 months in a hospital and never had to work for food…it always just appeared in his stomach…before he even anticipated hunger;)
So getting him to understand the need of taking it in by mouth is a challenge and since he has been sick a few times since being back in India…we have had a few setbacks.
It is definitely a slow, slow task…and we could use MUCH intercession regarding it.
But, he is enjoying it more and actually holds the spoon and brings it to his mouth;)
That is also fun;)
That is another episode on “Things as They Are”
Love the picture of you on the "wrong" side of the curtain, Jessica! And I do enjoy "Things as they are." Praise God for all–including the mundane and Adam's little breakthroughs.
Oh how I wish there was a shirt that said I heart adam