The sun always sets straight into our bedroom window.
It is near setting now. Elliot is sweetly sleeping and THIS BOY is joining me as I write to you now.
In the setting rays of the sun he sits. He sits with perfect posture.
He laughs and his face dimples.
And it is glorious.
Have you heard THIS STORY ?
It is incredible
It is about a boy and a girl.
Boyfriend and girlfriend.
Headed for marriage.
He gets a brain injury from a car accident.
They walk thru life together for his first few years of rehabilitation, therapies, etc.
Then they prayerfully and lovingly walk into marriage together.
And they say “it all works for good”
That verse paul scribed from Romans 8.28.
That same verse that pulses life thru our veins many days since September 18,2011.
There are really not words to share to capture the Glory in their story.
Just watch.
Well they have a blog here
And I was reading an entry from September 2012
It was titled “What If”
The husband and wife are talking:
“Ian if the role were reversed and I had the tbi, would you still be with me?”
“because you’re more than a brain.”
And it resonates so much in this heart of mine.
And it makes such sense.
So the more people ask me,
“Why did you adopt Adam?”
“Why did you save this child?”
And when they bring up future issues that, though we consider, are not relevant or important to Adam being Adam,
I have a new answer.
“Because a baby is more than eyelids.”
“Because a person is more than fingers”
“Because a life is more than a nose”
“Because a baby is more than full legs”
And when that fails, the Word LIVING is there
His eyes saw our “unformed body”
“What God calls clean do not call common”
Tears friend…I understand and it is so beautiful. We are so blessed to raise our boys…it is grace! This is grace God has given us!
Jess, thank you for connecting me to the story of Ian and Larissa. Thank you for allowing me to connect with your story. My morning prayer for Lent this morning ended as such:
Father in heaven, open our hearts to your wisdom.
Teach us how to look for dignity in humility,
how to find opportunities for love in service,
so that we may share in the peace of Christ
who offered up his life in the service of all.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Love to you sweet sister.