Just letting you know Adam has a stomach thing going on.
Just last night we were on the porch with Adam and Raja playing the geeeetar.
Today a nasty bug.
Lots of vomiting earlier in the day. It has settled now. But still lots of reflux going on.
Please pray.
Pray against more vomiting
Pray against diarrhea starting
Pray that he can keep the fluids down that we give him
Pray that he can rest…he clearly has an upset stomach and is restless and not sleeping
(We think it is what I had on the plane, bc Raja had it yesterday…if so, it is a short but nasty bug)
Pray that it is nothing complicated and resolves soon
Pray we can all sleep tonight
Pray that Elliot doesnt get it
Pray for wisdom for decision making
That is a lot to pray for;)
Pray that I will remember that HE is the solid Rock on which we stand…ALL OTHER GROUND is sinking sand. If I stand on the health of my sons…I will fall when they get sick. Pray that I can trust His Word and not doubt in these times.
I (jess) am feeling discouraged but clinging to Hope in Him
Love to you all
Dear Jessica,
May you feel His arms holding you strong and tender. Wiping your tears. Bolstering your spirits. May you know the gracious Lord's peace.
In the precious name of our dear Savior.