to sell,
on a cliff,
I love that quote. I love the moment by moment gratitude within reach, if we just look up and outwards.
I will write more on this later, but I long to have a heart “set on pilgrimage”, as David wrote in his Psalms.
As we pack to get ready to return to the US for a few months, my heart questions many things.
Like, how the house will be kept up while we are gone.
Like, how Hadassah will do in our absence (she has a beautiful, AMAzing family to stay with)
Like, how Adam’s surgeries will go and how the long hospital stays will go.
Like, so many things.
But, meanwhile, I rejoice.
I rejoice to be able to see my dear family and friends there whom my heart treasures oh so deeply.
They get to meet Elliot for the first time and see Adam’s amazing growth.
It will be wonderful and, hopefully, restful for our family as well.
So, there are many emotions circulating.
Most of which are based on a heart NOT set on pilgrimage.
So today, as psalm 84 calls us to, I choose to set my heart on a pilgrimage.
Because, life has loveliness on the pilgrimage
That means, this world is not our home.
And our dwellings here are momentary.
And each moment is a gift.
That is how I long to live.
And how I long to have my boys see me live.
And as I get fearful as we approach more mega investigations by doctors of our Adam.
Reviews of his health.
Cleft palate surgery, eye surgery, trach adjustments, and prosthetic leg beginnings.
I am tempted to be filled with angst.
But I choose rest because I KNOW that
Saw Adam’s unformed body
And filled his healthy lungs with air
And He began this work.
And HE is faithful to bring it to completion.
In Adam and Elliot and us as well.
This song has been ministering to my heart in glorious ways lately.
It leaves me speechless and reminds me of His design of my Adam.
Do listen:
When I’m feeling that I’m falling apart and I’m everywhere…You hold me now!Cause I mean everything to You!I mean everything to You!And You mean everything to me…you mean…oh!And You mean everything to me! Ooooh!You mean everything to me…yea.Daddy God, You mean everything to me!I bear my soul completely before You!Oh yea…I’m Yours.Cause you mean everything to me!Everything in this whole world…
The timing of your posts tends to be perfect! We will be traveling to Nicaragua for several months for an adoption, and I feel myself worrying and fretting over everything…our home here, our home there, bills getting paid on time, the three little children that we do not know yet, health, food, toothpaste, clothes, shoes, preparing our home for 3 boys and 2 girls instead of our current 2 boys, and the list goes on! Thank you for constantly directing my eyes upward:)
Your blog is always such water to my soul. I think it is so sweet that the Lord has been reminding me of Psalm 84 as well. Especially the image of the valley of Bacca (bitterness) being filled with pools of blessing. Oh Joy! He truly is our strength and joy.