(So I usually like to keep the best for last. Or if given the choice, I choose bad news before good news. HOWEVER, this video is too too good. After being in the hospital for 2 days on IV fluids to rehydrate him, Adam laughed. He laughed and it is so so good. So enjoy the laughter…then proceed on to see what led him to being in the hospital.)
So this is our first official post on the new blog and we are writing from the hospital. We brought Adam in to the ER last Thursday following a week and a half of diarrhea and general malaise. He was miserable and after seeing his pediatrician and continuing to watch him, he just quickly went downhill. When Adam is healthy, he is so healthy and so easy. When Adam is sick, he is SO sick. It is hard to watch and kinda throws us all off.
We are so thankful to have moved to Philadelphia where CHOP is the main Children’s Hospital. They responded so quickly to Adam’s needs and admitted him for rehydration and to do a workup on what caused it. We are on day 4 and have more of an understanding as to what caused the diarrhea and are thankful. We would greatly appreciate your continued prayers.
Thanks to our sweet community here, who having only known us for 4 months, have responded with extravagant and radical hospitality. We have meals for a week being brought to us, have found wine and flowers on our front step, and have more people offering to help us than we can even respond to. To each of you, thank you.
So glad Adam is now on the mend and that you have such a close set of supporters around you. That’s FANTASTIC!
thank you liz!
Oh my god he is so adorable I just love him. Jessica u and your husband have the biggest heart with so much love to give.