Details for memorial services
#1 in Glenside, PA
When: Wed 6/22 @ 6pm
Where: Van Til Hall
Westminster Theological Seminary
2960 church Rd.
Glenside, PA 19038
Service begins at 6pm. Picnic reception to follow. Please bring lawn chairs or a blanket for picnic? •Children are welcome
•Adam loved bright colors so feel free to dress in a bit of color;) _________________________
#2 in Jacksonville, Florida
When: Monday 6/27 @5pm
Where: Lakewood United Methodist Church
6133 San Jose Blvd
Jax, FL 32217
Service begins at 5pm. Reception to follow •children are welcome • Adam loved color so feel free to dress in a bit of color **** In lieu of flowers, we are collecting donations towards supporting projects for children with special needs in India. Please consider giving to Adams memorial fund at the following link:
1. On first page click “give online”
2. Enter the amount you would like to give in the area marked Memorial for Baby Adam: Disability projects in India
You can also send checks made out to “helping India together” with a memo of “memorial for baby Adam” and send to:
Helping India Together
500 General Patterson Drive
Glenside, PA 19038
Sweet Jessica and the rest of the boys,
My heart aches for you all. I just saw the announcement in the CCC newsletter and found my way over to your blog. Jessica, we met at CCC in Chapel Hill a few years ago. I was with my daughter Maja in nursery and you came in with Adam and Elliott. We liked each other from the start and had talks to hang out, though life got in the way of that one. 😉
Sweet friend, as a fellow mama, I cry as I write this and mourn with you. I love knowing that Adam is with his Maker and cry that he is not with the beautiful family the Lord gifted him with on earth. Praising God for the gift of Adam’s life and spirit and also for His strength and nearness in times of weakness.
Isaiah 55:8-9 keeps coming to me as I write: My prayer for you all in the days ahead is that you’d know and experience in your depths that the Lord’s ways and thoughts are higher than our own: even as the heavens are higher than the earth. May He hold your family tight.
Sending so much love and prayers for peace and mercy.
becca miller
May God the Father of all consolation, be with you in your sorrow, and give you His light and His peace.
My daughter has been following your journey and just sent me your link. I needed to be reminded that our children are really not ours. I used to say they were a reflection of me but God has revealed through your story that they are a reflection of HIM. The one who created them from the foundations of the world. Yes, they are a precious gift and always will be. Your journey with Adam and your other children will be a reminder that God gets all the Glory. Dee Proietto
Jessica and Raja, You have taught Adam and others what this world is all about. Praying for you all.
Lisa and Darryl Coxworth
The scriptures are true… I really do thank the Lord every time I think of you Raja… It was such a blessing to met you the summer of 2008 in our class at Wheaton College… and so thankful for Facebook to continue our friendship and watch your family grow. I just feel in love with your entire family through all that you post and share online… I truly wish me and my husband, Scotty could come to Jacksonville on Monday for the memorial, but his secular schedule always gets in our way… Therefore we are at least sending part of our heart through a donation to your Glenside address… We only wish we could send more because we truly love Jessica’s heart, as well as your own… May the Lord truly continue to bless you, your family and all that you do for the Lord. – Much Love, Jessica Santiago – Wheaton College Classmate Summer 2008
I was Adam’s vision support teacher at Easter Seals. I am so sorry for your loss. We all loved him and he brightened our day.
Thinking of you-