We are just sharing stories of all that Abba Father has done thus far
And the Hope we have in future grace;)
He will provide for His children
Because it is WHO HE IS
Logistics Update:
DEAR ONES…$110,000 total has been raised!
Thank you so very much.
We drive up from Florida tomorrow to Chapel Hill, NC
Adam has preoperative appointments on Thursday
Surgery is scheduled at 730 AM on Friday, August 23rd.
Do pray;)
Once again, this surgery is for Adam’s cleft palate and multiple investigations.
This surgery is critical for speech and will help Adam be able to eat more by mouth
4-6 weeks after this surgery ENT will assess Adam to see if he is ready for his trach to come out!
That will be amazing if it does;)
So for a story
This brilliant newspaper, called India West
Did a story on Adam last week
You can read it HERE
And we just got a sweet email from a little girl, Radha, and her mother
They called Adam “the most beautiful baby in the world” and have a card made to send him
They read about Adam in the India West paper
We were thankful for his story being shared;)
Also, in 2012 CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) did a story on Adam
You can watch their first story HERE
And tomorrow, CBN is doing a follow up story to the first show
You can watch the new story TOMORROW on CBN
And we will have a link once it is available online;)
Abba if faithful
He says that even when we are faithless…He remains faithful…
For He cannot deny Himself;)
He is faithful, dear ones
Thank you for walking with us thru this summer.
Thank you for clinging to faith in our Abba to provide
Thank you for praying for future surgeries.