It is just a busy few weeks around here.
And my brother, Jennings, is getting married this weekend..
So this may (or may not) be the only one this week
Thanks for grace extended in these moments;)
Logistics Update:
Dear ones, we we gifted $20,000 yesterday!
Last week, we had a little over $8,000 given
Then this week’s update from the Foundation from gifts over the weekend was near $7,000.
In total, since last week, $36,265.61 was given
That means about $86,000 has been raised.
I just want to fall over.
That is SO MUCH
You have all given, prayed, shared SO MUCH
We are getting close
Do not lose heart, He is at work.
Remember THIS QUOTE?
Scarcity is not a description for our God
Only abundance
He came to give life in abundance
And He provides from His storehouses of abundance.
He began. He will finish.
Let us rest and trust;)
This quote has been awakening parts of my soul that were dormant lately
May we let this be true for each of us.
Our purpose is not in gain, but loss
Our richness and fullness is not by wine drunk
But wine poured forth
So for our story today, I shall share how HE provided us a home in North Carolina
There are a few characters here as well
Amanda– a best friend of mine from nursing school, nursing job, and lived in India with for nearly 3 yrs
K– a new friend; met Amanda first 4 years ago at a conference, now lives in India long term
Dr. Van Aalst– the craniofacial reconstructive surgeon who is the main guy behind Adam’s medical care; the doctor who has taken major steps faith on our son’s behalf
Dr Senior– ENT Surgeon; basically I know he is a big deal and I feel kinda silly being on a first name basis; he is a genius and travels the world teaching brilliant methods of ENT surgery; this doctor, though not involved in Adam’s medical case hands on, has also stepped out in faith in major ways for our family
Dana Senior– the incredibly gifted, hysterical, and loving wife of Dr. Senior. She takes hospitality to a whole new level. I kid you not. If she hears of a need, her love will compel her to find a way to meet it in Him
The Senior 4– the 4 children of the Senior; I could write endlessly about these 4. We love them so much.
So in the fall of 2010, Amanda attends a conference in the SE USA to learn about opportunities to serve long term.
She goes a bit curious as to what her purpose is in going but is open hearted and meets some brilliant people.
She meets K there and they connect thru their love of India
Amanda and K exchange email addresses and say they will keep each other updated in the years to come
Amanda returns to India, gets engaged, gets married, and returns to India
K moves to India long term, on the opposite side of the country from Amanda
They send out monthly updates and hear how each other’s projects are going, prayer needs, etc.
Amanda (as a best friend of mine) gets phone calls and emails nearly daily as we meet Adam, walk towards adoption of Adam, find out his diagnosis, are told there is nothing to do, he will not live 2 months, and our hearts ache with questions
Through all of the emails I send out to Amanda and hundreds of others, Amanda forwards the same emails and cries of my heart to all of her supporters, family, and friends
(K is on that list)
Then Amanda gets an email saying that there is a surgeon, Dr Van Aalst, in Chapel Hill, NC who has a team of doctors who can provide the care Adam needs & that actually, Adam can thrive past 2 months, and just needs a lot of reconstructive surgery to do so
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Dr Van Aalst and his wife last year before we returned to India |
So, of course, Amanda forwards that email on to her people as well;)
(K is on that list)
Oh, and K definitely is FROM CHAPEL HILL
And K writes Amanda and says that her community in Chapel Hill is amazing and if Adam and his family need anything, to let her know
She also says that if we need a place to stay, she knows a family that often shares their home with people in need
So, at the beginning of November 2011…Raja, Adam, my mom, and I are driving 8 hours to NC
All we know is that the following day we have 5 specialists to meet
We also know that we a room booked at the Ronald Mcdonald House
On the way up, Amanda calls me
She mentions that there is a family, “the Seniors” who have a home and often share it with people in need
She gives me Dana Senior’s number and says to contact her if we need a place, etc
I tell her that we have a place at the Ronal McDonald House and are probably fine
I call Dana, she offers their home and a meal
She mentions that her husband, Dr Senior, works as an ENT surgeon and if we need anything the following day, to find him;)
We say we are ok for now, but may take her up on a meal later in the week
Day 1 of appointments are over, we head to the Ronald McDonald House
They are amazing and I am impressed with all that they are able to do to serve families and patients
Truly, it is amazing
But they thought we were only 1 parent with a baby coming
They did not know there were 3 adults.
They show us a small single room with 2 single beds
We are grateful but quickly realize a baby, 2 parents, and a mom n law may not work well, for long, in this
So we wonder what to do
We remember Dana Senior and look at her number in my phone
And we decide to call her
She asks how we are, if we are hungry, if we need ANYthing
I say “well, actually…we may actually…kinda…I dont know…need a place to stay after all…we are 4 people in total”
Not even an awkward silence after that!
She tells us to come right away
The beds will be made and she is so excited
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Raja, Adam, and I with all the Seniors (minus the Dr Senior;) last year |
Dear ones, is that not amazing
Is that not like the quote referenced above?
That when He wants to feed the multitudes, there will be leftovers?
He loves to lavish His provision
After all, if He gave Himself, will He not graciously give us ALL THINGS?
Dear ones, they let us come in and out of their home for 6 MONTHS!
Then when we were coming back this year, they invited us back
That is amazing.
Dr Senior, Dana, and their 4 power pack have opened their lives to us
They raise money, paint gorgeous pictures, and lavish us with more than we could ever need
They invite us to their Sunday morning community
And from that first Sunday on, their community becomes ours
We never wait for Adam to finish surgery without at least one other person there
They host baby showers for elliot
And this coming year, their oldest daughter, Rebeccas, is coming
to India for a gap year program!
It is amazing how all things work
For good
And for His glory
He is the Provider
Dear ones, He is doing infinitely more than we could ever ask or imagine
Let us trust Him
Not only for Adam
But for all the needs in your life too
He is a good Father
He loves to lavish His children
As evidence of His goodness and glory
Trust in Him today dear one
For whatever your needs may be
I love this part. I can hear the whole conversation in my head exactly like this:
"I say "well, actually…we may actually…kinda…I dont know…need a place to stay after all…we are 4 people in total"
Not even an awkward silence after that!
She tells us to come right away
The beds will be made and she is so excited"
And then you and CCC become friends! And God works on both sides of the world! And Amanda continues to encourage me by email during my first year even though I only remember being negative and not very nice to meet that one time we ever met face to face. And I continue to be encouraged by watching the people I love so well be a weird and round-about link to my world here by their love for you. And in all of it, God is getting glory and making his light shine! And that is what the Body is supposed to look like, and it is a very beautiful Body, indeed.
With love from, K